Monday, October 30, 2006

My Testimony

My story

Six years ago I worked at a casino. I smoked, drank, and cussed, I did not believe in God.One day at work a man came in with a gun and he put that gun against my head. He called me names and he pushed me down and he tied me up. He even poured soda on me.

I quit my my job that day and I went home and pulled my blinds and kept my door shut and locked at all times. I did not leave my house for 2 months.I was traumatized by what happened.

When I finally left my house, I would only go if my husband, daughter or son went with me and they had to stay by my side all the time.

My husband and I moved to the place we live now and my sister lived 3 miles away. She would often ask me to go to church with her and I would get angry and say mean things to her.

Soon after we moved, I developed a breathing problem. The dr. ran a lot of tests and he could not find anything wrong. I quit smoking, started eating healthier, started exercising and lost 50 pounds. I still had the breathing problem and I was so afraid I was going to die.

My sister kept asking me to go with her to church and I always refused. Then she asked me to go to a womens ministries meeting and I went and enjoyed myself and I loved the women. They were friendly and funny and they did not push God at me.

Soon after that, On Feb. 13, 2005, I went to church and heard Preacher Herring. The next day I called the preachers house to tell him I enjoyed the serman and his wife answered the phone. She and I talked for a little while and I said I think that God is wanting me to accept Him. Sister Gloria prayed with me over the phone as I knelt by my bed and gave my heart to the Lord.

Second Corintians 5:17 says "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature."That is what hapened to me-I became a new creature.I still had the breathing problem but I was not afraid about dying any longer. I knew that I was a child of the King and I knew that if I died I would be walking in Heaven.

On Wednesday of that same week, I was sitting in church at the evening sevice and my mom was on my left and my husband was on my right. We stood up to pray and as the preacher prayed the Spirit of the Lord came down and my husband came under conviction. My mom almost pushed me down to get to my husband. She led him to the alter where he got on his knees and Preacher Goude,one of our retired ministers, prayed with him as he gave his heart to God. Oh what a wonderful day that was.

Later at that same service I went foreward to be prayed for about the breathing problem, and, oh praise God, He healed me. I could pull air into my lungs and I am still breathing good to this day. God has been so good to me and I can never praise Him enough for what He is to me and what He has done for me.

He is--

my creator,
best friend,

God is--
all powerful,
and most of all He is Love.

And because of His love I am a new person and He is my Lord.Each day is a wonderul experience for me. I wake up loving the Lord and wanting to worship Him. I wake up full of joy and peace and contentment.

Thank you for reading. May God bless you.


Neil said...

What a beautiful testimony to the power of Jesus! Thank you so much for sharing that.

Deb said...

Your testimony was an encouragement to me too! I look forward to maybe reading some more posts?

Tawny said...

Hello Adra! Your testimony is more proof of what God can do. It really fills me with joy to meet a sister of mine. I will share my testimony with you sometime soon, I think it will suprise you. By the way did God set you free of that fear yet? I know God is still setting me free of many things and fear sometimes peaks it's nose out at me. God bless you, your sister, Tawny

Janet said...

God is good!
Jesus said in the cross " it is finished", which translates paid in FULL!